Made my first trip to good 'ole Portland, ME last night. What a fun Town!
I really had no idea what to expect, being from very southern NH I don't make it up past Ogunquit very often, but it was so worth the two hour drive. I headed up there to see my favorite band Third Eye Blind, (side note- amazing show and venue) and ended up making a little evening out of it with my boyfriend, Jay. I spent pretty much the entire day yesterday looking up different restaurants, and shops. I was inundated, there was so much to check out. We settled on Shay's, the BF's not a vegan, (sniffle) but he tries to eat as healthy as possible. I had an amazing eggplant salad, and the icing on the cake..... $3.00 wine :) I was a happy girl !!
I didn't have much time this trip, but, next time I head up, there are a couple of places id really like to check out...
Green Elephant Vegetarian Bistro http://greenelephantmaine.com/ They have so many amazing sounding dishes, and all the vegan options are marked, so it takes out the guess work !
Gro Cafe http://grofoods.com/ Completely vegan and even some macrobiotic items on their menu too. They're even a chocolatier! They use locally grown ingredients whenever possible and always fair -trade organic! Sounds like a great way to enjoy a nice bite and still stay healthy.
And it seemed like everywhere I turned there where health foods markets and vendors selling fair-traded goods. I love visiting Towns where there are a lot of socially and environmentally conscious people. Portland had a very laid-back atmosphere and I dig that!
Can't wait till my next visit when I can do more exploring!
$3 wine is definitely a win