Womp Womp to Mondays, but on a lighter note I had a fantastic weekend! It was filled with the all the things I love best.
Saturday was possibly one of the most beautiful days yet this year. Bright sunny skies, 70 degrees... it doesn't get much better! Sunshine always puts me in a great mood. In light of the stellar weather, Jay and I, along with our two dogs Bailey and Grady, decided to make a trip to Brookdale Fruit Farm in Hollis, NH and pick up some fresh veggies to grill for lunch. We got an onion, a red and green pepper, and a zucchini for our lunch endeavor. (Also picked up a blood orange, to tie me over, that was out of this world). The man checking us out asked us if we had our own bags, and then proceeded to tell us that we looked like the type that would have their own bags. Not sure if that is a good thing or not, but I was complemented :)
Once we were back home, we cut up our veggies and turned them into kabobs. I also cubed some baked tofu I had leftover in the fridge and made a couple kabobs out of that as well. We put some chipotle BBQ sauce on the vegetable kabobs, and we were ready to grill. After a half an hour or so and a couple of serious hunger pains they were done! They came out, awesome as usual. It's definitely one of my favorite summertime vegan meals. All the veggies tasted SOOO unbelievably fresh. I love buying from local farms. Its nice to add different veggies to suit your tastes too, summer squash and mushrooms are also great on these! Serve the kabobs over your favorite rice, its sure to please any guest, vegan or not!
I also made a delicious cocktail to enjoy in the sun.
3 parts vodka
7 parts limeade
Splash of Cran (just enough to turn it pinkish)
Mix all together and serve in a tall glass with plenty of ice and enjoy! Repeat as desired :)
Yay for warm spring Saturdays......Boo to cold rainy Mondays
http://brookdalefarms.com .... If you're in the southern NH area, defiantly check out Brookdale, it's one of my favorite places to visit.
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